On Saturday 26th September we held our cake sale in aid of raising money for Caring Matters Now and to raise awareness about the ‘How Do You C Me Now’ book. Originally, we were going to participate in the official CMN Coffee & Cake Morning event, which was due to take place 18th – 20th September, but because of work commitments we had to move our date. Due to COVID19 restrictions we set up on our front garden to do a walk/drive by sale where we could serve people over our low wall and only had cakes and treats available, no refreshments.
One of our twin daughters, Isla, was born with CMN so the Caring matters Now charity is very close to our hearts. Both our twins, Isla and Ruby, were so excited to take part in our cake sale; helping with the baking, setting up the garden and chatting to passers-by who stopped to make donations.
I was nervous at first that we wouldn’t get many people stop and slightly nervous about putting myself out there talking to people I hadn’t met before who showed an interest in our event and wanted to no more. I soon overcome that when I realised everybody who stopped were so friendly and generous and easy to talk to regarding why we were raising money. They all showed such an interest and had many questions that I was delighted to answer. We were so proud of how well Isla and Ruby did when talking about Isla’s ‘special spots’ and it was heart-warming to see how proud they were to be doing the cake sale. They were also very good at sampling the cakes before we sold them – this was a duty they took very seriously, making sure not to miss any cakes/biscuits out.
As our copy of the ‘How Do You c Me Now’ book arrived the day before our cake sale we were able to also promote that and 2 people then went on to purchase the book themselves which was fantastic. Isla was so proud to show people her new book and held onto it tightly showing everybody her image. As well as raising a massive unexpected £300, our cake sale seemed to help Isla with her confidence building and the kind words said by others had a very big positive effect on her.
Our twins went on to tell their nursery teaches all about their cake sale on the following Monday and I was asked if Isla could take in “the book” she had been telling them all about. This was the ‘How Do You C Me Now’ book which Isla proudly took with her to nursery the following day. I was informed by the teachers it was an eye watering moment when Isla took it upon herself to stand in front of her nursery class to show off ‘Daddy’s favourite spot’ which is her giant CMN covering her back. They said her confidence is amazing and the other children then went on to show Isla any moles, freckles or birthmarks they had. I’m so glad we took part in the Coffee & Cake Morning event, as it became so much more; contributing hugely to our mission of making sure Isla grows up to love the skin she is in and to build her confidence.