Caring Matters Now
Caring Matters Now

You are likely to be visiting this page having received a CMN awareness card from one of our members, we are glad you’re here!

What is CMN?

Congenital Melanocytic Naevi (CMN) is a Rare Disease, affecting 1 in 20,000 births. CMN consists of dark brown hairy birthmarks covering up to 80% of the body and is the result of a genetic mutation during pregnancy. The condition has many expressions, for some CMN is a visible difference and for others, CMN can lead to medical complexities or can grow internally, which in the worst cases can be fatal. For more information follow this link.

How to engage with people with a visible difference

How others engage with our members has a significant impact on their quality of life and self-esteem. One of our 3 charity aims is to raise AWARENESS of CMN by educating the general public. Help us stand up against prejudice and discrimination and foster a positive, inclusive culture throughout society by adopting the following Stand Out principles:

the word about visible difference equality at work and amongst friends and your family

positively about visible difference – don’t let negative assumptions get in the way

display a warm manner when meeting someone with a visible difference

natural eye contact – look, but don’t stare

with discrimination, – if you see it, report it

Own up
to not knowing about visible differences: find out more

– show understanding for the challenges people face

Try again
– don’t give up if people doubt your belief in visible difference equality

How to partner with us

With your help we can continue to support families in the UK & Ireland that are affected by Congenital Melanocytic Naevus. Through your donation Caring Matters Now will be able to provide practical and emotional support for children and adults living with CMN, fund pioneering research to find the cure for CMN, and raise global awareness of CMN.