Caring Matters Now

0-3 Years

We provide specialised early years support and information for parents caring for babies born with CMN. Parents of a new-born with CMN are offered an hour-long initial support consultation with our Support Pathway Practitioner. We host a monthly online baby and toddler group over the autumn and winter months. We are committed to educating medical professionals to aid early diagnosis, with particular focus on partnering with midwives and dermatologists across the UK & Ireland.

Caring Matters Now

4-11 Years

We support families throughout the primary years by providing age-specific support literature, school resource packs, connection with our parent support contacts, and access to family-friendly regional events.

Caring Matters Now

12-16 Years

When a child member turns 12 years old, they will start to receive direct support from our Teens Contact Team. Teenage members are invited to participate in Level One of our Young Ambassadors Programme and teen support events. We provide support guides for those caring for teenagers living with CMN. We host an all-age monthly online gaming community over the autumn and winter months, which has proven to organically developing friendships particularly amongst our teenage members.

We provide our teenage members with an online self-help resource for improving self-esteem and confidence throughout the teenage years, with the opportunity to walk through the resource with the charity’s Support Pathway Practitioner.

Caring Matters Now

17-24 Years

When a teenage member turns 17 years old, they will start to receive direct support from our Young Adults Contact, assisting them with the transition from a child member to an adult member. Our young adult members will be invited to participate in Level Two of our Young Ambassadors Programme and to attend our young adult support events.

Caring Matters Now

18+ Years

Young adults are invited to register as an adult member, rather than continuing under a parent’s registration. Adult members have access to our Adult Contact Team, are invited to our adult support events and to participate in adult-focused research studies. Adults experiencing new problems with their CMN, or who want to find out which genetic mutation is responsible for their expression of CMN, can be referred to the Adult Clinic in St Thomas’ Hospital London.