Caring Matters Now

Engaging your community

Living with CMN or parenting a child with CMN can feel quite overwhelming and stir up a whole range of emotions such as fear, anxiety, and worry. As a charity, we want to support our members to reach their full potential and help them to develop key social and emotional life skills.

Online Gaming Community

Online Gaming Community

A total of 10 online Community events were hosted between October 2023 and March 2024, including 3 Gaming events! This group was attended by a group of young people with CMN and siblings, between the ages of 9-13 years, getting together for an hour of gaming each month! The group are well accustomed to Fortnite,…

Young Adults Panel

Young Adults Panel

At the end of 2022, we invited our teen and young adult members to a Young Adults Panel Q&A session. Our Young Adults had so much great experience and insight to share that, despite not having any sign-ups for the event, we decided to record the conversation and make it accessible to all our members.…
