What causes CMN?

Throughout Rare Disease Month, we invited our members and social media followers to DONATE and SHARE this image to raise the profile of CMN as a rare disease! We would like to thank everyone who did this as not only did we raise awareness, but we also raised a phenomenal £786, vastly exceeding our £250 goal!

Rare Disease Month gave us the opportunity to answer some Frequently Asked Questions: “Why is CMN a Rare Disease?” “Is CMN just a birth mark?” “Is CMN hereditary?” “What causes CMN?” “Is there a cure?” and more! We hope you found this helpful. It was encouraging to see so many of our members engaging through our social media platforms, and to welcome new members as well. Despite Rare Disease Awareness Month being over, these questions and answers will remain on our website for future reference.

What causes CMN?
Why is CMN a rare disease?
Is CMN just a birthmark?