In December 2014, one of our founding trustees, Jessica Ma, sadly lost her battle with cancer. In memory of Jessica’s dedication and contribution to Caring Matters Now, the Board of Trustees along with Jessica’s family introduced the Jessica Ma Award. The Jessica Ma Award is now in its 8th year and recognises individuals or groups who had gone above and beyond in their efforts to raise funds for Caring Matters Now.

Each year Jessica’s husband Peter and two children receive a shortlist of fabulous fundraisers, and from the list Jessica’s family choose their winner.

We are proud to announce the 2023 winner is Aoife!

Jessica Ma Award 2023 Winner - Aoife!

Aoife wanted to support her young brother Odhran who was born with CMN just 2 years ago by raising funds for Caring Matters Now. Aoife decided to set up a tuck shop at her Dad’s workplace and has faithfully re-stocked the tuck shop throughout the year, carefully selecting items the staff team love the most. Aoife has raised an amazing £300 towards the work of Caring Matters Now.

Peter, Jasper, and Pascale sent the following message to Aoife:
Aoife has shown real initiative to help raise money at her Dad’s workplace with a Tuck Shop where she carefully selects the items and keeps them stocked regularly. Additionally, Aoife goes beyond fundraising by supporting her brother Odhran when educating doctors about CMN, as well as being an active member of the charity’s Baby & Toddler Online community.  All of this at such a young age!  It is the spirit of the Jessica Ma award that anyone can help and support through initiatives they feel passionate about.  On behalf of the Jessica Ma award, Thank you Aoife and all other fundraisers for all the great work you do.

Aoife’s parents shared the following acceptance message:
Aoife was delighted to receive the Jessica Ma award, which was presented to her during school assembly. She told her classmates about her brother Odhran’s birthmark, about the tuck shop she runs at her Dad’s work, and about Caring Matters Now. Aoife and Odhran really enjoy the CMN online community events and regional meet-ups – meeting others with similar birthmarks and normalising their experiences.  Aoife said that she felt really proud of herself when she received the award and was so excited to talk about it.
For Mam and Dad (Sarah and Peter) we couldn’t be prouder of Aoife. Welcoming a brand-new sibling is a big adjustment for any 3 year old, but having one who has health complications, resulting in lots of hospital visits and needing even more attention, is very tough. It’s been a challenging two years, but Aoife has adjusted wonderfully to this – it would be hard to find a more caring and supportive big sister. She loves the CMN online community events (especially the crafts!) and last years’ regional meet up as a chance to interact with others and will happily talk about Odhran’s giant CMN as well as her own birthmark – a small café au lait mark on her nose. She jumped at the chance to run a tuck shop in her Dad’s workplace and is very conscientious about making sure it’s fully stocked and well presented. She’ll even ask for feedback and take it on board – making sure that everyone’s favourites are included! We know that Aoife will continue to be an amazing champion of both her little brother and Caring Matters Now.

From everyone at Caring Matters Now, a huge thank you and congratulations to Aoife!

To join Aoife in raising funds for Caring Matters Now, click here to find out how you can get involved.

Jessica Ma Award 2023 Winner - Aoife!