On Saturday, September 10, we were delighted to welcome our families from all over Ireland to Tayto Park to celebrate of the 25th birthday of Caring Matters Now UK and the 1st birthday of Caring Matters Now Ireland.

It was a lovely sunny day, perfect for riding those massive rollercoasters, including the white knuckle wooden Cú Chulainn. Everyone arrived to start exploring the park around 11am and we all gathered at lunchtime at the Lodge where we had a chance to take a rest and share stories over lunch. After everyone was fed and watered, we all dispersed to enjoy the rest of the park and each other’s company.  All families were challenged to find Mr Tayto himself and get a picture for the Caring Matters Now photo album!! I think everyone rose to the challenge.

Everyone had a wonderful time, adults and children alike and it was great to meet together in person.

For 2023 we plan to hold two in person gatherings, one in Tipperary at Easter time and in October, where we are planning a visit to Dublin Zoo. We hope to see you all there!

Caroline, Bronagh & Hannah – Ireland and Northern Ireland Regional Support contacts
Lauren Hackman – Young Ambassador

Emme attended Tayto Park as her first Regional Gathering. Click here to read her story.