Birthday Fundraiser

Is your birthday coming up?

A Birthday Fundraiser is a quick and easy way to raise awareness of CMN among your friends on social media, as well as raising vital funds for Caring Matters Now… all whilst celebrating your birthday! A Birthday Fundraiser can be easily set up on both Facebook and Instagram, follow the links below for a step-by-step guide.

Create a birthday fundraiser on Facebook | Facebook Help Centre

Create a charity fundraiser on your Instagram bio | Instagram Help Centre

Once you have registered your Birthday Fundraiser, a message will pop up congratulating you on creating your fundraiser. From there, you can invite your friends to donate, share your fundraiser to your News Feed or Story and donate to the fundraiser yourself. (Facebook make this even easier by sending you a reminder two weeks before your birthday giving you the option to set up a fundraiser in celebration of your birthday!)

With the support of our friends, Caring Matters Now can continue to provide practical and emotional SUPPORT for children and adults living with CMN, fund pioneering RESEARCH to find the cure for CMN and raise global AWARENESS of CMN. If you need any further help in setting this up, email